News & Notes
100% Superior Service and Pricing
As highlighted in a recent Seattle Times article, the cost of dental care can vary widely. A company called Puget Sound Consumers' Checkbook did a little homework to find out more about the state of dental affairs in the Sound. The independent nonprofit surveyed thousands of Seattle-area consumers about their experiences with local dentists.
Dr. Bagnulo was recognized in the survey as having Checkbook's Top Rating for both quality and price. 100% of Bagnulo DDS patient ratings were "superior" for overall care (the highest possible ranking in this survey). Also, our prices came in at 7% lower than average.
The survey results are available for free on the Consumer's Checkbook website until Nov. 30, 2018.
100% Superior Service and Pricing
As highlighted in a recent Seattle Times article, the cost of dental care can vary widely. A company called Puget Sound Consumers' Checkbook did a little homework to find out more about the state of dental affairs in the Sound. The independent nonprofit surveyed thousands of Seattle-area consumers about their experiences with local dentists.
Dr. Bagnulo was recognized in the survey as having Checkbook's Top Rating for both quality and price. 100% of Bagnulo DDS patient ratings were "superior" for overall care (the highest possible ranking in this survey). Also, our prices came in at 7% lower than average.
The survey results are available for free on the Consumer's Checkbook website until Nov. 30, 2018.
Flossing - How to make it a habit
Have you heard about the book, Atomic Habits, An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones? The author, James Clear, does a great job of simplifying the process of building a new, healthy habit. It's a great read and I highly recommend it for anyone looking to improve their lives in any way. As the author says, you can build a system to get 1% better every day.
How does this relate to dental care? We all know that flossing is going to prevent decay, keep your teeth and smile looking young as you age, prevent your teeth from falling out, prevent gum recession, expensive dental bills, and pain — so trick your brain into making it an effortless routine that you perform on autopilot.
Specifically, think about how you can make flossing easier and/or more convenient. Have your floss, or flossers placed in a highly visible place. If you don't like the feel of flossing, try different types of flosses or flossing tools. Start slow and work up to flossing every day. You'll be happy you did!
Smoothies, Post-op or not!
Some of you may know that Dr. Bagnulo is an avid athlete. He likes to power his workouts with smoothies. They are delicious and provide the protein and carbs needed to get through long runs and bike rides. They are also a great option after you've had dental work. Here's a favorite recipe:
1 cup orange juice
3/4 cup chopped pear
1 banana (frozen)
3/4 cup plain yogurt
1 tsp vanilla extract
3 tbsp smooth peanut butter
2 tbsp wheat germ
Place all ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth.